Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 932: New ILRS Web Site Now Operational From: ILRS Web Team: Van Husson, Hoai Vo, Carey Noll, Mark Torrence > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2002-04-18 23:22:00 UTC Message No. 932 ******************************************************************************** Author: ILRS Web Team: Van Husson, Hoai Vo, Carey Noll, Mark Torrence Subject: New ILRS Web Site Now Operational Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the new ILRS web site is now operational, using the same URL as before . New features of the web site include: * Improved Navigation Scheme - Breadcrumbs on the top bar - Navigation bar on the left - Upgraded Search Engine * New and consistent look to the site A special thanks to Hoai Vo, HTSI, who did most of the reconstruction. Comments and suggestions can be sent to: From: Carey Noll ********************************************************************************