Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 933: Problems in SLR Grasse (7835) & FTLRS Ajaccio (7848) recent data From: Jocelyn Paris, SLR Grasse > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2002-04-19 12:27:00 UTC Message No. 933 ******************************************************************************** Author: Jocelyn Paris, SLR Grasse Subject: Problems in SLR Grasse (7835) & FTLRS Ajaccio (7848) recent data Dear colleagues, FTLRS Ajaccio (7848) normal point data for the period April 16th 1700 hrs UTC to 18th 0600hrs UTC and SLR Grasse (7835) normal point data for the period April 17th 1600 hrs UTC to 18th 0600hrs UTC sent to the EDC have problems due to a bug in recent software developments. These data will be replaced today by corrected normal points. Sorry for the inconvenience. Regards, Jocelyn From: Jocelyn Paris ********************************************************************************