Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1058: Reminder/Move of Starting Date for FR Data Delivery From: Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC/DGFI > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2003-03-04 12:30:00 UTC Message No. 1058 ******************************************************************************** Author: Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC/DGFI Subject: Reminder/Move of Starting Date for FR Data Delivery Dear colleagues, on December 11, 2002 in SLRMAIL 1006, I sent the detailed description of full- rate data delivery. In this SLRMAIL the implementation date for the full-rate data delivery was stated as March 01, 2003. I have received some request to move this starting date to March 31, 2003. I think we will not have problems to shift the starting date for one month. So everyone has the chance to finish their procedures and get started with the full-rate data delivery. NEW IMPLEMENTATION DATE OF FULL-RATE DATA DELIVERY: MARCH 31, 2003 Sorry for any inconvenience, best regards, Wolfgang Seemueller From: EDC slrmail account ********************************************************************************