Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1082: FTLRS Operations in Crete and Data Flow .. From: Francis Pierron, Grasse ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2003-04-26 01:57:00 UTC Message No. 1082 ******************************************************************************** Author: Francis Pierron, Grasse Subject: FTLRS Operations in Crete and Data Flow .. Dear colleagues, As you probably know it, we installed some weeks agoa in Crete (collaboration with S. Mertikas/TUC at Chania) our mobile ”FTLRS sytem” for a 6 months campaign in the frame of an European project named Gavdos and dealing with altimetric calibration on Jason1/Topex and Envisat.. The setup of the station was achieved quickly (2/3days) on march 28th 2003 and it is now in an operationnal phase with two permanent people from our Grasse FTLRS staff. During this period, the tracking priority for this project will be very high on oceanographic satellites and hoping nice weather and clear sky, we´ll track of course lageos in order to solve the coordinates of the point .. The site log for this new laser site was sent yesterday thanks Van Husson and will be available on line on the ILRS Web site with last updates. We sent yesterday all the data from the beginning of the campaign in the normal slr flow and we´ll continue to do it now on a daily base. We hope calibration accuracy at one centimeter level or better and we´ll release all the data if necessary as soon as the ground target will be accurately measured and confirmed.. Don´t hesitate to contact us for any question or comments.. Thanks for your cooperation, best regards Francis Pierron From: ********************************************************************************