Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1146: Message to be released From: Mike Pearlman and Werner Gurtner > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2003-10-18 01:55:00 UTC Message No. 1146 ******************************************************************************** Author: Mike Pearlman and Werner Gurtner Subject: Message to be released Dear Colleague: As you may already know the SLR activity at NASA is going through a very serious review at the moment. We do not know the final outcome, but a significant reduction may result. A decision could be made by the beginning of next week. This reduction could happen very quickly. A number of individuals, institutions, and organizations have been asked to intervene immediately by writing letters to NASA. These include representatives from: 1. Active Missions such as Topex, Grace, ICESat, GP-B, Cryosat, Envisat, GFO-1, etc. 2. Agencies involved with SLR or SLR data such as IERS, IAG, BFG, ASI, Geoscience Australia, University of Texas, ITRF, ILRS, CNES, NASDA, etc. Many letters have already arrived. We wish to thank those of you who have responded so rapidly. Additional letters are welcome. If you are willing to do so, let us know and we will forward you the contact information. A first consequence of this situation is to put a hold on the travel budget forcing a number of NASA-paid colleagues to abandon their participation at the upcoming ILRS workshop in Koetzting, Germany. Several people from the US will still attend and they plan to make a significant contribution to the meeting. Once the situation is resolved, David Carter will let us know the outcome. We hope to see many of you at the Koetzting Meeting. Best regards, Mike Pearlman Werner Gurtner Dr. Michael R. Pearlman Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden St. Cambridge MA 02138 tel. (617) 495-7481 fax. (617) 496-0121 e-mail. From: ”Mike Pearlman” ********************************************************************************