Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1161: Support of ENVISAT Maneuver From: Scott L. Wetzel, NASA SLR > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2003-12-15 23:12:00 UTC Message No. 1161 ******************************************************************************** Author: Scott L. Wetzel, NASA SLR Subject: Support of ENVISAT Maneuver Dear Colleagues, The ENVISAT mission will maneuver the satellite today, 12/15/03, at approximately 22:00 UTC. Please be advised that the HTSI SLR predictions will not be accurate after this time. Due to the severe NASA funding issues, any missions that require manual efforts in the generation of SLR predictions will not be supported. We anticipate that the automated HTSI data prediction generation and delivery system will again provide higher quality predictions as enough SLR data is collected and processed. Until then, the prediction quality will not be of the high level HTSI and the SLR community is accustomed. We regret this upcoming interruption in service to the ENVISAT mission. Regards, Scott L. Wetzel, Deputy Program Manager NASA SLR Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. From: ”Wetzel, Scott L.” ********************************************************************************