Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1173: Meteorological QC Algorithms From: Van S. Husson, ILRS Central Bureau > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2004-01-15 23:54:00 UTC Message No. 1173 ******************************************************************************** Author: Van S. Husson, ILRS Central Bureau Subject: Meteorological QC Algorithms Dear Colleagues, We should be able to eradicate meteorological blunders from our on-site normal point data. The following meteorological checks are meant to assist stations in their on-site quality control. PRESSURE -------- Quality Check # 1 IF the absolute value of your pressure(mB) - (1010 mB - ( geodetic_height(m) / 10.17 )) is greater than 50 mB THEN your pressure measurement is most likely BAD ACTION: If BAD, do not forward your data Quality Check # 2 IF the pressure variation within a pass or pass segment is greater than 3 Mb THEN your pressure variation is most likely SUSPECT ACTION: Check to make sure your instrument and software is working properly. If your pressure sensor has tubing, ensure the tubing is not kinked or clogged and also that it is shielded from the wind. Reference: Quality Check # 3 IF the pressure from pass to pass and day after day never changes THEN your pressure measurement is very SUSPECT ACTION: Check to make sure your instrument and software is working properly. (Believe it or not I have seen this occur in at least 2 SLR sites, the past 5 years) TEMPERATURE ----------- Quality Check # 4 IF your absolute value of your temperature is greater than 40 degrees C THEN your temperature is most likely SUSPECT (Potential Exceptions: Changchun and Mendeleevo in their winter, and Yarragadee and Riyadh during their summers) ACTION: Check your readings and only forward data that is valid Quality Check # 5 IF your temperature variation within a pass or pass segment is greater than 5 degrees C THEN your temperature variation is SUSPECT NOTE: The quickest temperature swings usually occur near sunrise and sunset or during a fast moving weather front Quality Check # 6 IF the temperature from pass to pass and day after day never changes THEN your temperature measurement is very SUSPECT ACTION: Check to make sure your instrument and software is working properly. HUMIDITY -------- Quality Check # 7 IF your humidity is greater than 100% or equals ZERO THEN your humidity is BAD ACTION: Fix your readings, before you forward your data Quality Check # 8 IF your humidity variation within a pass or pass segment is greater than 15 % THEN your humidity variation is SUSPECT NOTE: The quickest swings in humidity usually occur near sunrise and sunset or during a fast moving weather front Quality Check # 9 IF your humidity from pass to pass and day after day never changes THEN your humidity variation is SUSPECT ACTION: Check to make sure your instrument and software is working properly. From: ”Husson, Van” ********************************************************************************