Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1299: Zimmerwald out of SLR operation for one month From: Werner Gurtner > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2005-02-05 01:24:00 UTC Message No. 1299 ******************************************************************************** Author: Werner Gurtner Subject: Zimmerwald out of SLR operation for one month Zimmerwald SLR station is out of operation starting February 10, 2005 till at least March 15, 2005. We have to recoat several optical components. We have gotten a time slot by the manufacturer between mid February and mid March. We regret to further weaken the SLR tracking network during the next few weeks but hope to be up and running again with better performance for the high satellites. Werner Gurtner _____________________________ Universität Bern Astronomisches Institut From: Werner Gurtner ********************************************************************************