Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1384: Urgent Mail - Jason-1 Slr tracking reporting From: jason-ops, CNES > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2005-09-23 00:02:00 UTC Message No. 1384 ******************************************************************************** Author: jason-ops, CNES Subject: Urgent Mail - Jason-1 Slr tracking reporting Urgent request to all stations: Thank you again for your support. Jason-1 has been successfully reconfigured at about 8:45 am this day (22th) and is now in a safe mode. We have recovered housekeeping telemetry link in this new configuration and will analyze the corresponding data in the next hours. So, starting from this date, the laser tracking sessions will be degraded due to a BBQ mode (sun pointed rotating mode = safe mode for Jason-1) so less measurements, gaps etc..but still useful for us up to the confirmation that DORIS is operational again (switch on foreseen the 23th morning). We will let you know tomorrow what are the results of our operations and what is planned for the end of the week. Thanking you very much in advance. Best regards Sophie Coutin-Faye and Jason-Ops team From: Jason-Ops ********************************************************************************