Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1392: From: David Carter/NASA SLR Manager > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2005-09-29 14:50:00 UTC Message No. 1392 ******************************************************************************** Author: David Carter/NASA SLR Manager Subject: Dear Colleagues, NASA is committed to re-energize our support to the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) with plans to again provide valued SLR data at some of the critical SLR locations. With this in mind, we are preparing to reoccupy the site in Maui, Hawaii with the TLRS-4 system that has been maintained here at Goddard for the past 10 years. We have recently returned TLRS-4 to operational status and has completed an inter-comparison of simultaneous tracking with MOBLAS-7 at the Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (GGAO). The TLRS-4 data is now being released to the ILRS community. A site log for the system is not yet available, but information about the TLRS-4 system that is important for data analysis is as follows: CDP Pad ID : 7130 Subnetwork : NASA City or Town : Greenbelt State or Province : Maryland Country : USA Tectonic Plate : North American Approximate Position X coordinate [m]: 1130735.2 Y coordinate [m]: -4831324.7 Z coordinate [m]: 3994132.4 Latitude [deg]: 39.0209 N Longitude [deg]: 76.8275 W Elevation [m]: 18.632 System Name : TLRS 4 4-Character Code : GGAO CDP System Number : 14 CDP Occupation Number : 03 Eccentricity to SRP (if Not Identical With SRP) North [m]: 0.0002 +- 0.001 East [m]: -0.0010 +- 0.001 Up [m]: 2.6472 +- 0.001 More information on the future deployment of TLRS-4 will be provided as additional progress is made. Best Regards, David Carter From: Carey Noll ********************************************************************************