Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1794: HTSI Data Computers off-line From: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR / HTSI > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2009-08-24 09:20:00 UTC Message No. 1794 ******************************************************************************** Author: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR / HTSI Subject: HTSI Data Computers off-line Dear Colleagues, The HTSI facility experienced an unexpected power outage today, August 23 at ~15:00 GMT. The power was returned to the facility at approximately 21:00 GMT, however the facility Network is still down. The HTSI Data Management computers are currently not receiving or delivering any SLR data or predictions. We hope that this will be resolved as soon as possible. Best Regards, Julie Horvath NASA SLR Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. From: ”Horvath, Julie E.” ********************************************************************************