Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1815: 7405 CONL: TIGO-SLR down From: Bernd Sierk, BKG/TIGO, Concepción > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2009-12-08 08:51:00 UTC Message No. 1815 ******************************************************************************** Author: Bernd Sierk, BKG/TIGO, Concepción Subject: 7405 CONL: TIGO-SLR down Dear colleagues, due to a failure of the Ti:Saph oscilator TIGO-SLR is out of operation since Monday, November 30. To fix the problem we need spare parts which are currently on their long way through customs. We hope to be able to repair the system within 2-3 weeks. Of course we regret the loss of data and apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. Best regards, Bernie ----------------------------------------------- Dr. Bernd Sierk Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) Observatorio TIGO - Universidad de Concepcion Camino Einstein km 2.5 Concepcion, Chile email: Tel: +56-41-2207035 Fax: +56-41-2207031 WWW: ----------------------------------------------- From: Bernd Sierk ********************************************************************************