Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1865: EGU General Assembly, splinter meeting: Roadmap to Galileo Geodetic From: Daniel Navarro-Reyes ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2010-04-24 00:59:00 UTC Message No. 1865 ******************************************************************************** Author: Daniel Navarro-Reyes Subject: EGU General Assembly, splinter meeting: Roadmap to Galileo Geodetic Dear colleagues, ESA Galileo Project Office under delegation from the European Commission is holding an informal splinter on ”Roadmap to Galileo Geodetic Reference Service Provider (GRSP)” at the occasion of the EGU General Assembly 2010 in Vienna. The aim of this meeting is to present the Galileo Program achievements to potential users, and to open up a discussion about the shape of the geodetic services that Galileo should provide. The EGU splinter meeting will be chaired by Daniel Navarro-Reyes, ESA, and Rolf Dach, AIUB (Switzerland), member of the GGSP consortium. Draft Agenda: Wednesday, 05 May 2010, 17:30 - 19:00, room SM2 1) Presentation ESA/GGSP (ca. 40 min) - Galileo GRSP infrastructure in IOV - Next steps and roadmap to FOC GRSP - Experience and results from the FP6 project GGSP (R. Dach) 2) Community feedback / discussion (all) Since not all experts of the European geodetic community can be addressed here we ask you to further distribute this e-mail or suggest further parties which may be interested. Being this meeting fostered by the European Commission and ESA, European users are especially encouraged to attend. Please, send a feedback if you plan to join the splinter meeting. For more information about the Galileo and GGSP, please visit Best regards Daniel Navarro-Reyes ESTEC - European Space Agency Mission Analysis Engineer - Galileo Project Office Keplerlaan 1 - P.O. Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands Room Ta 007 - Addr Code: NAV-NMS Tel +31 (0) 71 565 8313 Fax + 31 (0) 71 565 4369 Email: From: ********************************************************************************