Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1874: Re: [IGSMAIL-6171] Transition to new CDDIS server environment From: Sonia Maria Alves Costa ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2010-06-10 16:18:00 UTC Message No. 1874 ******************************************************************************** Author: Sonia Maria Alves Costa Subject: Re: [IGSMAIL-6171] Transition to new CDDIS server environment Dear all, Here at IBGE we use the IP address to push data files from the following IGS stations in Brazil: POVE, SALU, SAVO, RECF and UFPR. I ask you to include my colleagues Jardel and Newton in your mailing list. Jardel Aparecido Fazan : Newton Jose de Moura Junior: Best regards, Sonia Maria Alves Costa Assessoria T?cnica CGED-Coordena??o de Geod?sia IBGE/DGC - Diretoria de Geoci?ncias =================================================================== Av Brasil 15671 - B.3A sala 1, Parada de Lucas 21241-051 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil Tel (5521) 2142-4929 - Fax (5521) 2142-4859 novo e-mail: =================================================================== From: From: ********************************************************************************