Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1894: [JAXA/SLR]Close of SLR tracking of ETS-VIII From: Ryo Nakamura ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2010-08-04 12:29:00 UTC Message No. 1894 ******************************************************************************** Author: Ryo Nakamura Subject: [JAXA/SLR]Close of SLR tracking of ETS-VIII Dear WPLTN Colleagues, Dear Carey-san Thank you alway for your cooperation on JAXA´s projects. I´m writing you to inform you that SLR tracking on ETS-VIII is not required from now on because our experiments (High Accuracy Clock (HAC) experiments) using ETS-VIII was finished at the end of this July. I´m really sorry for late announce. Thanks to ILRS and WPLTN Colleagues (especially Koganei, Moblas 5, and Mt Stromlo), HAC experiments are successful. We hope we can report the details on the next ILRS meeting. Thank you again for your cooperation. Best Regards, Ryo -- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Department Flight Dynamics Division Ryo Nakamura, Mr. TEL:+81-50-3362-7031(27031) FAX:+81-29-868-2990 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// From: ********************************************************************************