Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1915: 7119 HA4T: Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii (TLRS-4) Data Release From: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR / HTSI > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2010-09-25 01:33:00 UTC Message No. 1915 ******************************************************************************** Author: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR / HTSI Subject: 7119 HA4T: Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii (TLRS-4) Data Release Dear Colleagues, As you are aware, the TLRS-4 system, located on Haleakala, Hawaii, was taken off-line several months ago to under-go a major laser upgrade. This laser upgrade has been successfully installed at all MOBLAS stations in the NASA Network. Unfortunately, after the installation, the data from the system presented a bias that indicated that something was not right with the system configuration. With the help of the ILRS AWG (specifically analysts Erricos Pavlis and Horst Mueller), the bias was quantified, and the station crew was able to determine that the station calibration was compromised. The crew, by using a work-around, was able to eliminate the bias, but HTSI engineers have yet to identify the cause. All TLRS-4 data since August 28th @20:00 UTC does not exhibit the bias that was apparent after the installation, so all data since this time until today, September 24th, has been released to the ILRS Data Centers. =20 An HTSI engineer will be at the site after today to identify and eliminate the source of the problem. All data after today will be put on hold at HTSI for further evaluation to ensure quality data. After the data has been verified, HTSI will notify the ILRS about nominal operations. =20 Best Regards, Julie Horvath Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. NASA SLR From: ”Horvath, Julie E.” ********************************************************************************