Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2073: Re: [ilrs] URGENT MAIL - Envisat Major Anomaly From: Georg Kirchner ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2012-04-26 07:08:26 UTC Message No. 2074 ******************************************************************************** Dear All. At Graz (7839) station, we just successfully tracked Envisat this morning (April 25 - 8:55 UTC) with a time bias of 24 ms (predicts ESA6141) - full pass - no problems; And also: April 25 - 10:30 UTC) with a time bias of 26 ms (predicts ESA6141) - full pass - beside clouds, no problems; Regards, Franz Koidl ********************************************************************** Dr. Georg KIRCHNER Tel ++43-316-873-4651 Space Research Institute Fax ++43-316-873-4656 Department Satellite Geodesy e-mail: AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Lustbuehelstrasse 46, A-8042 GRAZ, AUSTRIA ********************************************************************** We always devote 100% of our energy for the job: 23% on Monday, 12% on Tuesday .... ********************************************************************************