Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2215: AOGS 2014, SE16 ´Recent developments and future perspectives of space geodetic techniques´ From: Carey Noll Author: GFZ/Harald Schuh Dear colleagues, the 11th AOGS Annual meeting will take place in Sapporo, Japan from July 28th till August 1st, 2014. The conveners of Session SE16 (session description below) would like to encourage you to submit an abstract. We are trying to get an interesting program in our session and there are also several other sessions that might attract your interest. Looking forward to seeing many of you in Sapporo. Best regards Harald Schuh (on behalf of the conveners of SE16) ********************************************************* Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harald Schuh Director Department 1 ‘Geodesy and Remote Sensing‘ Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam DeutschesGeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Telegrafenberg, A17 14473 Potsdam GERMANY Tel.: +49 331 288 1100 Fax: +49 331 288 1111 Session Details Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences Session Title Recent developments and future perspectives of space geodetic techniques Main Convener(s) Prof. Harald Schuh (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany), Co-convener(s) Prof. Cheinway Hwang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Prof. Toshimichi Otsubo (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), Session Description The applications of new space and ground geodetic techniques are having a major impact on our understanding of the Earth and its global change. The integration and combination of space techniques such as VLBI, SLR, GNSS, DORIS, altimeters, space-borne gravity field measurements (GRACE, GOCE), and InSAR have provided us with powerful tools to measure and monitor details of Earth structure rotation, gravity field, and mass distribution to unprecedented temporal resolution and spatial accuracy. These measurements and the resulting data products contribute to a broad range of Earth sciences. They are increasingly supported by the ground-based networks in the Asia-Oceania region and used by regional research organizations, often in cooperation with the IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Services. The IAG has established the Global Geodetic Observing Systems (GGOS) to encourage the application of these techniques to better understand the dynamics of the Earth and its impact on society. Typical examples are space-borne GNSS radio occultation and reflectometry, ground-based GNSS, VLBI, and DORIS meteorology, crustal deformation, Earth rotation and polar motion, precise orbit determination, positioning and navigation (RTK, PPP), land subsidence, natural hazard monitoring as well as deep-space exploration. A fundamental aspect of this work is the International Terrestrial Reference Frame which is the basis by which we link metric measurements of global change over space, time, and evolving technology, and which is now striving for 1 mm accuracy. This session welcomes all space geodetic techniques issues and their applications in atmosphere and geodynamics. Topics of the session are also the new technological developments that are taking place concerning the above-mentioned techniques, such as the realization of VLBI2010 for VLBI and the application of new laser technologies for SLR. Proposals for future geodetic satellite projects and space missions that go beyond e.g. GRACE-FO are also in discussion and the session solicits presentations about ideas, scenarios and simulation studies for future gravity field and altimetry missions. Contributions are welcome from purely theoretical considerations and simulations to concrete technological realizations and the presentation and interpretation of recent results of global and regional geodetic measurements. Expected Duration of Session 1 day

Author: GFZ/Harald Schuh

Dear colleagues, 

the 11th AOGS Annual meeting will take place in Sapporo, Japan from July 28th till August 1st, 2014.

The conveners of Session SE16 (session description below) would like to encourage you to submit an abstract. We are trying to get an interesting program in our session and there are also several other sessions that might attract your interest.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Sapporo. 

Best regards

Harald Schuh

(on behalf of the conveners of SE16) 


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harald Schuh

Director Department 1 ‘Geodesy and Remote Sensing‘

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
DeutschesGeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Telegrafenberg, A17
14473 Potsdam

Tel.: +49 331 288 1100
Fax: +49 331 288 1111 

Session Details


SE - Solid Earth Sciences

Session Title

Recent developments and future perspectives of space geodetic techniques

Main Convener(s)

Prof. Harald Schuh (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany),


Prof. Cheinway Hwang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan),
Prof. Toshimichi Otsubo (Hitotsubashi University, Japan),

Session Description

The applications of new space and ground geodetic techniques are having a major impact on our understanding of the Earth and its global change. The integration and combination of space techniques such as VLBI, SLR, GNSS, DORIS, altimeters, space-borne gravity field measurements (GRACE, GOCE), and InSAR have provided us with powerful tools to measure and monitor details of Earth structure rotation, gravity field, and mass distribution to unprecedented temporal resolution and spatial accuracy. These measurements and the resulting data products contribute to a broad range of Earth sciences. They are increasingly supported by the ground-based networks in the Asia-Oceania region and used by regional research organizations, often in cooperation with the IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Services. The IAG has established the Global Geodetic Observing Systems (GGOS) to encourage the application of these techniques to better understand the dynamics of the Earth and its impact on society.
Typical examples are space-borne GNSS radio occultation and reflectometry, ground-based GNSS, VLBI, and DORIS meteorology, crustal deformation, Earth rotation and polar motion, precise orbit determination, positioning and navigation (RTK, PPP), land subsidence, natural hazard monitoring as well as deep-space exploration. A fundamental aspect of this work is the International Terrestrial Reference Frame which is the basis by which we link metric measurements of global change over space, time, and evolving technology, and which is now striving for 1 mm accuracy. This session welcomes all space geodetic techniques issues and their applications in atmosphere and geodynamics. Topics of the session are also the new technological developments that are taking place concerning the above-mentioned techniques, such as the realization of VLBI2010 for VLBI and the application of new laser technologies for SLR. Proposals for future geodetic satellite projects and space missions that go beyond e.g. GRACE-FO are also in discussion and the session solicits presentations about ideas, scenarios and simulation studies for future gravity field and altimetry missions. Contributions are welcome from purely theoretical considerations and simulations to concrete technological realizations and the presentation and interpretation of recent results of global and regional geodetic measurements.

Expected Duration of Session

1 day