Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2318: ILRS workshop in Matera, Italy From: Bianco Giuseppe Author: Giuseppe Bianco Dear colleagues, The next ILRS technical workshop will be held in Matera, Italy, 26-30 October 2015, hosted by the Italian Space Agency. A dedicate web page has been set up at the following address: At this time it contains limited information, which will be expanded as soon as available. The ILRS Working Group chairpersons are kindly asked to contact the Local Organizers to reserve time for meetings within the allocated time slots. Best regards Pippo ___________________ Dr. Giuseppe Bianco Responsabile U. O. ”Geodesia Spaziale” Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Centro di Geodesia Spaziale ”G. Colombo” tel: +39-0835-377509 mobile: +39-320-8579369 email: giuseppe.bianco@asi.itÂ