Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2325: Call for papers: International Symposium on GNSS 2015 From: Toshimichi Otsubo Author: Toshimichi Otsubo, Hitotsubashi University Dear ILRS Colleagues, As announced in May (SLR-Mail No.2311; below), the IS-GNSS symposium is held in Kyoto this autumn, and the abstract submission deadline is set on 15 August. Please visit I would like to encourage you to present your SLR-to-GNSS work - observations, space segments, various analysis, etc. It will be a great opportunity to present our activities to people outside the SLR community. If you intend to submit an abstract, after finishing the registration procedure, please choose ”Geodesy, Surveying, Mapping and RTK Applications” from the ”Symposium Topics” drop-down box in the abstract submission webpage. We hope to have an SLR-related session (or group) there. You can choose oral or poster, but we would like to see more oral submissions than posters. Any topics about SLR-GNSS are welcome! Looking forward to seeing you in Kyoto, Toshi ----- Toshimichi Otsubo Hitotsubashi University Web Tel & Fax +81-42-580-8968 ----- ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail ******************************************************************************** Author: Toshimichi Otsubo, Hitotsubashi University Dear ILRS Colleagues, The annual ”International Symposium on GNSS (IS-GNSS)” is held in Kyoto this year, from 16 to 19 November. The Program Committee Chair, Prof Fujinobu Takahashi, recognises the importance of laser ranging, and has a high expectation from the global laser ranging community, hopefully having SLR-GNSS ”sessions” in the symposium. Please have a look at: (and go to the First Announcement) and consider your participation. Any topics related with ”SLR to GNSS satellites” are welcome. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me ( and/or Prof Takahashi ( p.s. November is the best time to visit the beautiful city Kyoto! Best Regards, Toshi ----- Toshimichi Otsubo Hitotsubashi University Web Tel & Fax +81-42-580-8968 ********************************************************************************