Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2436: IMPORTANT: ILRS Tracking Data Usage Survey 2017 From: ILRS Tracking Data Usage Survey 2017 Dear ILRS Associate, Many stations in the ILRS network are nearly saturated in their tracking schedule. The ILRS is presently assessing its tracking needs to try to maximize its utility. If you want your needs to be considered, please fill in this questionnaire by April 15, 2017. We plan to make revisions to our tracking list based on users needs, so your input is critical. The survey should not take you more than 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on your level of involvement with SLR data. Thank you for supporting the ILRS! Click here to start the survey Thank you, The ILRS Central Bureau P.S.: Our apologies for eventual multiple cross-postings. [image: beacon]
Dear ILRS Associate, 

Many stations in the ILRS network are nearly saturated in their tracking schedule. The ILRS is presently assessing its tracking needs to try to maximize its utility. If you want your needs to be considered, please fill in this questionnaire by April 15, 2017. We plan to make revisions to our tracking list based on users needs, so your input is critical. The survey should not take you more than 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on your level of involvement with SLR data. Thank you for supporting the ILRS!

Click here to start the survey

Thank you,

The ILRS Central Bureau

P.S.: Our apologies for eventual multiple cross-postings.
