Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2501: IDS Workshop September 24-26, 2018. Call for Papers and Important Dates. From: ”Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-61A0)” Author: Frank Lemoine Dear ILRS Colleagues: I would like to remind everyone of the dates of the IDS Workshop which is scheduled for September 24-26, 2018, Ponta Delgada, So Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal). The abstract deadline is coming up very soon (May 14, 2018). The IDS Workshop is held in tandem with the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting, and the ESA Altimetry meeting (25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry). Papers (oral or poster) are solicited on the following topics: >>Network and constellation: status and evolution >> New DORIS missions (DGXX satellites), applications and products >> Precise orbit modeling and Precise Orbit Determination >>Use of DORIS in multi-technique solutions for the Terrestrial Reference Frame. ITRF2014 assessments. >>Geophysics Applications. Applications in oceanography, atmospheric studies and geophysics We are of course interested in any inter-technique uses or applications of DORIS data by members of the ILRS community. Any questions about the program, or potential abstract submissions can be directed to members of the Workshop Scientific Committee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scientific Committee: Chair: Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES, France) [Email:] Committee members: Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France) [Email: ] Denise Dettmering (DGFI-TUM, Germany) [Email: ] Frank Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA) [Email: ] Ernst Schrama (TU-Delft, The Netherlands) [Email: ] Pascal Willis (IGN, France) [Email: ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about abstract submission is at the URL below using the AVISO web interface that has been used for previous IDS Workshops and OSTST meetings: Information about Lodging, Registration, and the Conference Venue are available at the following URL: We have been advised that the meeting will take place at a busy time, so attendees are advised to make their lodging reservations as soon as possible. Important Deadlines: May 14, 2018. Abstract Submission. May 25, 2018. End of Early Registration (350 Euros). (Registration is 450 Euros after this date). Regards, Frank Lemoine (On Behalf of the IDS Workshop 2018 Scientific Committee)