Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2523: 21st International Workshop on Laser Ranging: ABSTRACT DEADLINE EXTENDED From: ”Noll, Carey E. (GSFC-61A0)” Dear Colleagues, The 21st International Workshop on Laser Ranging will be held in Canberra Australia, November 05-09, 2018. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to: Wednesday August 01, 2018 We encourage you to submit your abstracts and complete your registration as soon as possible. Please explore the workshop website: for updated information, including the workshop program, links to registration and abstract submission, and information about the venue and hotel booking. Regards, Carey. ----- Ms. Carey Noll Manager, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau Secretary, GGOS Bureau for Networks and Observations NASA GSFC Code 61A Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA E-mail: Voice: (301) 614-6542 Fax: (301) 614-6015 WWW: