Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2631: SLR Graz temporarily closed due to Corona From: ”Kirchner, Karl Georg” Author: Georg Kirchner Dear colleagues, the Austrian Academy of Sciences has decided to shut down all its institutes, due to the Corona crisis; only very restricted access to our offices / bureaus / labs etc. is possible. This includes a more or less complete shut-down also of our SLR station. These restrictions are valid at the moment for at least one week, with a rather high probability for a certain prolongation. Sorry for this info, but in view of taking all possible measures to minimize Corona infections, these precautions are hopefully understandable. We are all forced to maintain in ´home office mode´ for the next time.... Good luck for all of us, Georg ********************************************************************** Dr. Georg KIRCHNER Tel: ++43-316-873-4651 Space Research Institute Fax: ++43-316-873-4656 Department Satellite Geodesy e-mail: AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Lustbuehelstrasse 46 A-8042 GRAZ, AUSTRIA ********************************************************************** Why do asteroids always fall into craters ?

Author: Georg Kirchner

Dear colleagues,

the Austrian Academy of Sciences has decided to shut down all its institutes, due to the Corona crisis; only very restricted access to our offices / bureaus / labs etc. is possible. This includes a more or less complete shut-down also of our SLR station.

These restrictions are valid at the moment for at least one week, with a rather high probability for a certain prolongation.

Sorry for this info, but in view of taking all possible measures to minimize Corona infections, these precautions are hopefully understandable. We are all forced to maintain in ´home office mode´ for the next time....

Good luck for all of us,



Dr. Georg KIRCHNER             Tel:      ++43-316-873-4651
Space Research Institute       Fax:     ++43-316-873-4656
Department Satellite Geodesy           e-mail:
Lustbuehelstrasse 46
Why do asteroids always fall into craters ?