Dear API-User,

the EDC website has changed the protocol from http:// to https://. In order to continue using the API successfully, in the future, please use the following URL https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/ for accessing the API.

List Satellites

List satellites from the EDC.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=list-satellites&status=present" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Satellite Info

Returns detail information about selected satellite from the EDC.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=satellite-info&satellite_id=0901301" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

List Stations

List stations from the EDC.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=list-stations&active=yes" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Station Isnfo

Returns detail information about selected station from the EDC.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=station-info&station_id=7080" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

List Predictions

List valid CPF prediction from the EDC data holding.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=list-predictions&provider=COD" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

List Predictions (Version 2)

List valid CPF prediction (Version 2) from the EDC data holding.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=list-predictions-v2&provider=COD" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Data Query

Search in the EDC data holding using user-defined criteria.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=data-query&data_type=NPT&satellite=0803201" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Data Info

Get detailed information about a certain dataset in the EDC data holding.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=data-info&data_type=NPT&id=1300505" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Data Download

Download a dataset of the EDC data holding.

curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=data-download&data_type=NPT&id=1300505" -X POST https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de