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ILRS Mailing Lists


SLR-Mail is a mail exploder to distribute general information about ILRS related activities (e.g. new satellites, new procedures, network and data problems, upcoming meetings, etc.) to the ILRS community. Each indivudual message will be automatically numbered sequentially for easy reference and archiving. SLRMail was modeled after the IGSMail Mail Service and was proposed by Werner Gurtner to the SLR community at the spring 1995 EUROLAS meeting in Munich.


SLR-Report is a mail exploder to distribute regular mission related reports (e.g., campaign status reports, weekly LAGEOS reports, etc.). Each report will be automatically numbered sequentially for easy reference and archiving. SLR-Report was modeled after the IGSReport Mail Service and was proposed by Werner Gurtner to the SLR community at the spring 1995 EUROLAS meeting in Munich.


SLR-Urgent is a mail exploder to be used by mission control centers or prediction centers to inform station operators about any urgent matters concerning the tracking of their respective satellites (e.g., modification of tracking priorities, information about satellites with unusually large time biases, attitude problems of satellites, upcoming maneuvers, tracking information after the launch of new satellites).URGENT was proposed by Werner Gurtner and Carey Noll to the ILRS via SLRMail 645 on 16 August 2000.

Rapid Service Mail

RapidServiceMail is a mail exploder to inform stations and analysis centers about detected errors in SLR observations.

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