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Rapid-Service-Mail No.119

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Date:2016-08-12 16:05:53
Sender:Toshimichi Otsubo <t.otsubo@r.hit-u.ac.jp>
Subject:[RapidServiceMail] No.119: (HITU) -8.5 metre bias in Yarragadee (7090) data
Content:Dear Randall and Yarragadee crews (cc: RapidServiceMail)

A -8.5 m range bias has been detected for 3 times during the last two weeks.

Please visit:
http://geo.science.hit-u.ac.jp/slr/bias/ (Go to the latest report)
where you will find the biased passes (AJISAI, JASON 2 & 3). As they have
the same system delay (calibration) values as high targets nearby, I suspect
you have applied a wrong system delay for them.

Can you give me a quick reply? Thanks.

Do you plan to come to Potsdam in October. If so, see you there!

p.s. Tomorrow is the 30th birthday of Ajisai. Let us celebrate.

Toshimichi Otsubo
Hitotsubashi University
Web http://geo.science.hit-u.ac.jp/

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