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Rapid-Service-Mail No.2

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Date:2011-06-21 12:09:08
Sender:RapidServiceMail <rapidservicemail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[RapidServiceMail] No.2: Wrong day for a Pass of Etalon2 11/06/14
ILRS/AWG Rapid Service Mail (DGFI) Wrong day in Etalon2 pass Message No. 0002

Dear colleagues
you Etalon2 pass delivered for June 14 2011 00:04 was in fact on June
15 2011.
Please check and correct your data.

Best regards


Horst Mueller email: mueller@dgfi.badw.de
DGFI phone: +49 89 23031 1277
Alfons-Goppel-Straße 11 fax: +49 89 23031 1240
D-80539 Muenchen Germany

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