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SLR-Mail No.1

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Date:1995-11-10 16:24:00
Sender:Werner Gurtner, Wolfgang Seemueller <[Mailed EDC <slrmail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1: Mail Servers for the SLR Community
Author:Werner Gurtner, Wolfgang Seemueller
SLR Electronic Mail 1995-11-10 16:24:00 UTC Message No. 1

Author: Werner Gurtner, Wolfgang Seemueller
Subject: Mail Servers for the SLR Community

Mail Servers for the SLR Community

Dear colleagues,

the IGSMail and IGSReport Mail Services, designed at the University of
Berne and run by the IGS Central Bureau at JPL, have certainly
contributed to the success of the International GPS Service for
Geodynamics because they provide an easy-to-use and fast message distribution
system for all IGS-interested parties. This was the motivation behind
a proposal Werner Gurtner brought forward at the spring 1995 EUROLAS meeting
in Munich to develop two similar services for the SLR community:

SLRMail: A mail exploder to distribute informations e.g. about

- new satellites
- new procedures
- network problems
- data problems
- slr station problems
- upcoming meetings
- ...

to all SLR sites, data and analysis centers and other interested

SLReport: A mail exploder to distribute periodical reports, such as

- weekly/monthly reports of global data analyses
- reports about data holdings of data centers
- ...

Each indivudual message and report will be numbered for easy reference.

The EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) agreed to develop and install the necessary

The rules to use the two mail services are as follows:

- Mails sent to


are automatically distributed to all addresses in two respective mailing list
maintained by the EDC.

- The first non-blank line in the mail message b o d y has to be an
"Author line", i.e. it has to start with the text "Author:", as seen in
the current example

- The subject field in the mail h e a d e r has to be non-blank. It will
automatically be inserted into the message b o d y right after the author
line by the mail server

- Mails not conforming to these rules are not distributed, the mail
administrator may reply with a corresponding message

- Allow for up to an hour for the automatic redistribution of the message

- Each mail message will be preceded by a numbered header, similar to the
IGSMail headers, thus each distributed mail can later be referenced using
the automatically assigned mail number

- An index file and the individual messages are also available on the EDC
anonymous ftp account:

Internet: ftp.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de
User: anonymous
Password: your email address
Directory: /pub/laser/messages/slrmail and /pub/laser/messages/slreport
Files: slrmail.NNNN, slrmail.index and slreport.NNNN, slreport.index
(NNNN: message/report number)

or via World Wide Web (WWW):

URL: http://www.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de/ or directly

- Recipients of the current message have already been included into the
SLRMail distribution list. To unsubscribe from the mail server or to
change the address please send a mail to

Wolfgang Seemueller (seemueller@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de)

- Institutions or individuals planning to periodically distribute reports
through SLReport are kindly requested to contact Wolfgang to help generate
an initial distribution list for SLReport.

Kind regards,

Werner Gurtner, AIUB
Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC

[Mailed From: EDC ]


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