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Date:2002-12-15 23:16:00
Sender:Markus Rothacher <Markus Rothacher <Markus.Rothacher@bv.tu-muenchen.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1011: EGS/AGU/EGU Session G15: Interactions and Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques
Author:Markus Rothacher
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-12-15 23:16:00 UTC Message No. 1011

Author: Markus Rothacher
Subject: EGS/AGU/EGU Session G15: Interactions and Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to remind you of Session G15 taking place at the
EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly in Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003:

G15 ”Interactions and Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques”
(co-sponsored by GI, GD, AS & OS)

You are kindly invited to contribute to this session, which may
be considered of special importance in view of the
IAG project ”IGGOS” (Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System).
The session description is given below. The deadline for submission
of abstracts is
JANUARY 15, 2003.

All necessary information may be found at


Looking forward to seeing you in Nice.

With best regards,
Markus Rothacher
Tom Herring
Zuheir Altamimi
(Conveners of Session G15)


G15 Interactions and Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques
(co-sponsored by GI, GD, AS & OS)

Space geodetic observation techniques (VLBI, SLR/LLR, GPS/GLONASS,
DORIS, as well as altimetry, InSAR, and the gravity missions)
significantly to the improvement and understanding of the three
major pillars of geodesy: the Earth´s geometry (point coordinates
and kinematics), Earth orientation and rotation, and the gravity
field and its time variations. These three fields interact in various
ways and all contribute to the description of processes in the Earth
System. Each of the techniques contributes in a different and
unique way to these three pillars and should be combined into a
consistent integrated global geodetic observing system (IGGOS).

We welcome contributions, that deal with comparison and especially
the combination methodology of the various techniques at the level
of the sites (integrated observatories, collocations, local ties and
technical issues), at the level of common processing standards and
parameterizations, and at the level of the combined analysis (from
a combination of individual parameter types and normal equations
to the combination on the observation level).
In this context, contributions from (but not limited to) the
Research Centers of the IERS and the IERS SINEX Campaign are of
great interest.
The final goal of a fully integrated observing system would be the
combination of all parameter types common to more than one
technique and any presentations discussing steps in this direction
are encouraged. The list of common parameters includes site
coordinates (e.g., time series of combined solutions), Earth
orientation parameters, satellite orbits (combined orbits from
SLR, GPS, DORIS, Altimetry), atmospheric refraction (troposphere
and ionosphere), gravity field, geocenter, etc. The session may also
include studies concerning the benefit of using products from one
observation technique as input to another technique.

Prof. Dr. Markus Rothacher Phone : ++49-89-289-23191
Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodaesie Fax : ++49-89-289-23178
Technische Universitaet Muenchen E-mail:
Arcisstrasse 21
D-80290 Muenchen / Germany

From: Markus Rothacher


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