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Date:2003-01-08 17:27:00
Sender:Clark R. Wilson <EDC slrmail account <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1032: IUGG Geodesy Sessions
Author:Clark R. Wilson
SLR Electronic Mail 2003-01-08 17:27:00 UTC Message No. 1032

Author: Clark R. Wilson
Subject: IUGG Geodesy Sessions

Dear Colleagues:

The IUGG meeting to be held June 30-July 11 in Sapporo, Japan, features a
number of geodesy sessions for which contributed papers are sought.
Abstracts are due before the end of the month. The session titles below
are generally self-explanatory. In the official meeting circulars, these
sessions are also described as ´Meeting of Section xxx´ to identify the
related section of the International Association of Geodesy. All are
scientific sessions intended for contributed papers. Please consider
submitting an abstract to one or more of these sessions. The following
list includes all geodesy and a few others that may be of interest. For a
full list of sessions, please consult the website noted below. I look
forward to your participation.

Sincerely yours,

Clark R. Wilson
President, Geodynamics Section, International Association of Geodesy

IUGG Geodesy and Related Sessions
Abstract Deadlines January 20, 2003 or January 30, 2003 with electronic

Wednesday July 2
G01 Positioning.

Thursday July 3
G01 Positioning.
G05 Geodynamics.
G06 Insight Into Earth System Science: Variations in the Earth´s Rotation
and its Gravity Field.

Friday July 4
G02 Advanced Space Technology.
G03 Determination of the Gravity Field.
G06 Insight Into Earth System Science: Variations in the Earth´s Rotation
and its Gravity Field

Saturday July 5
G02 Advanced Space Technology.
G03 Determination of the Gravity Field.

Monday July 7
G02 Advanced Space Technology.
G04 General Theory and Methodology.

Tuesday July 8
U6 New Sensors of our Planet. What is Possible? Lecture: Earth´s Gravity
Field Determined by New Satellites (C. Reigber, Germany)
G04 General Theory and Methodology.

Wednesday July 9
G04 General Theory and Methodology.

Thursday July 10
JSM11 Global Sea Level Rise, Global Climate Change and Polar Ice Sheet
JSS06 Earth Structure and Geodynamics (IASPEI, IAVCEI, IAG, IAGA)
G07 Global Geodetic Observing System. IAG Symposium

Friday July 11
JSM11 Global Sea Level Rise, Global Climate Change and Polar Ice Sheet

Clark R. Wilson
Wallace Pratt Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geological Sciences
Jackson School of Geosciences

The University of Texas at Austin
Geol Science Dept
1 University Station C1100
Austin, Texas 78712-0254

Phone 512-471-5008
FAX 512-471-9425
email crwilson@mail.utexas.edu

From: EDC slrmail account


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