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SLR-Mail No.1042

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Date:2003-01-20 14:01:00
Sender:John Luck <John LUCK <jmckluck@optusnet.com.au>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1042: Stromlo Station Destroyed
Author:John Luck
SLR Electronic Mail 2003-01-20 14:01:00 UTC Message No. 1042

Author: John Luck
Subject: Stromlo Station Destroyed
I am sure you have all heard the devastating news that all of Mount Stromlo
Astronomical Observatory, including our SLR station, was destroyed by a
firestorm on Saturday, which also destroyed over 400 residences in Canberra.
My suburb, Holder, and even more so the neighbouring suburbs of Chapman and
Duffy, were the worst hit. There is a new threat tomorrow in all of
Canberra´s west.

None of us has been injured as far as I know, but one EOS staff member, Mark
Blundell, lost his home. I have not been able to check yet on whether any
National Mapping/AUSLIG people suffered losses. This message confirms that
our house in Holder is OK, but it was at direct risk at one stage. And all
the Lucks are OK.

Ben´s message earlier said that the fire front extended for 35 km. It also
moves with incredible speed, and quite overwhelmed the magnificent
fire-fighting crews who did everything possible to save lives and property.
Incredibly there were only 4 deaths, none of them being firefighters or
emergency services personnel.

In great sadness, but with best regards and love to all,
John, Joyce, Kate, Ken and Georgina Luck

From: ”John LUCK”


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