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SLR-Mail No.1107

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Date:2003-07-20 02:17:00
Sender:Ulrich Schreiber <U. Schreiber <schreiber@wettzell.ifag.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1107: ILRS Fall Workshop: Koetzting (corrected)
Author:Ulrich Schreiber
SLR Electronic Mail 2003-07-20 02:17:00 UTC Message No. 1107

Author: Ulrich Schreiber
Subject: ILRS Fall Workshop: Koetzting (corrected)

I apologise for an typing error in the URL of our web page with
respect to yesterday´s announcement of the online registration form
for the ILRS Fall workshop.

In fact it is now obtainable from:


Please follow the navigation from the Welcome page.

Kind regards, Ulrich

PD Dr. habil. Ulrich Schreiber | Prof. Ulrich Schreiber
Forschungseinrich. Satellitengeodaesie | Depart. of Physics & Astronomy
der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen | University of Canterbury
- Fundamentalstation Wettzell - | Private Bag 4800
D-93444 Koetzting | Christchurch, 8020
Tel.: +49 9941 603113 | New Zealand
Fax.: +49 9941 603222 | Fax: +64 3 3642469
schreiber@wettzell.ifag.de | u.schreiber@phys.canterbury.ac.nz

From: ”U. Schreiber”


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