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SLR-Mail No.1158

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Date:2003-12-10 14:08:00
Sender:Local Organizing Committee <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1158: First Circular: 14th International Workshop on Laser Ranging
Author:Local Organizing Committee
SLR Electronic Mail 2003-12-10 14:08:00 UTC Message No. 1158

Author: Local Organizing Committee
Subject: First Circular: 14th International Workshop on Laser Ranging

Dear colleague:

Please find below the First Circular corresponding to the ”14th
International Workshop on Laser Ranging”. Apologizes if you receive this
message more than one time.

Best Regards

Local Organizing Committee

FIRST CIRCULAR for the ”14th International Workshop on Laser Ranging”
and the ”10th General Assembly of the International Laser Ranging Service”.

The ”Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada en San Fernando” (Royal
Naval Institute and Observatory at San Fernando, ROA) and the International
Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) are pleased to announce that the Fourteenth
International Workshop on Laser Ranging will be held in San Fernando (Cadiz,
Spain) during the week of June 07-11, 2004 at the ”Barcelo Bahia Sur” Hotel.

Also scheduled during this week will be the Tenth General Assembly of the
ILRS and meetings of the ILRS Governing Board and Working Groups. A trip to
the ROA will be arranged to allow attendees to visit the Observatory,
including its SLR station and possibly FTLRS system co-installed with the
San Fernando station during the workshop.

Program Topics:

· Scientific Achievements, Applications, and Future Requirements
· Laser Technology
· Ranging Receivers
· Automation and Control Systems
· Improved and Upgraded Systems (Only poster)
· Lunar Laser Ranging
· Engineering and Q/C Analysis
· System Calibration Techniques
· Targets, Signatures and Biases
· Atmospheric Correction and Multiwavelength Ranging
· Advanced Systems and Techniques
· Operational Issues

Important Dates:

· Abstract and Applications for Support Deadline: April 1, 2004
· Preregistration and Hotel Reservation Deadline: May 1, 2004

Please notice: San Fernando (Cadiz) is a high tourist area, so acceptance of
reservations for ”Barcelo Bahia Sur” hotel after May 1, 2004 will depend
upon availability of rooms and is highly uncertain. Late or on-site
registration may result in not being able to stay at the meeting place with
the consequence of considerable inconvenience.

Additional information on the workshop, the hotel, the area, the venue, etc.
can be found at the following web page: http://www.roa.es/14workshop-laser
or via ftp at: ftp://ftp.roa.es/pub/14workshop-laser. Any questions should
be addressed to 14workshop-laser@roa.es or via fax to ”14 workshop-laser”
(+34 956 59 93 66).

A Second Circular will be issued in February 2004.

Dr. Jose Martin Davila
Jefe Seccion Geofisica/Head Geophysical Department.
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada
C) Cecilio Pujazon s/n
11100-San Fernando-(Cadiz)-España
tel: +34 956 599285
fax: +34 956 599366
e-mail: mdavila@roa.es

From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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