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SLR-Mail No.1167

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Date:2003-12-28 23:05:00
Sender:Van S. Husson, ILRS CB <Husson, Van <Van.Husson@honeywell-tsi.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1167: 7105 GODL Calibration RMS Increase
Author:Van S. Husson, ILRS CB
SLR Electronic Mail 2003-12-28 23:05:00 UTC Message No. 1167

Author: Van S. Husson, ILRS CB
Subject: 7105 GODL Calibration RMS Increase

Dear Colleagues,

The Greenbelt station (7105) had a failure of it´s
HP 5370B counter in early December. Attempts to repair
it failed. A replacement counter was installed between
December 9 and 10, 2003.

Post counter replacement, the calibration RMS´s have
increased from 4-5 mm to 12-15 mm. Corresponding
satellite RMS´s have increased about 30 to 50%.

Hopefully the increase in RMS´s are due to random
errors and not systematic errors in the replacement
HP 5370B. But Analysts be on alert.

From: ”Husson, Van”


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