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SLR-Mail No.1192

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Date:2004-03-16 16:15:00
Sender:Ulrich Schreiber <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1192: 14th Int. Workshop on Laser Ranging
Author:Ulrich Schreiber
SLR Electronic Mail 2004-03-16 16:15:00 UTC Message No. 1192

Author: Ulrich Schreiber
Subject: 14th Int. Workshop on Laser Ranging
Subject: Session ”System Calibration Techniques”
Subject: Session ”System Calibration Techniques”

14th International Workshop on Laser Ranging
San Fernando, Spain on June 7 - 11, 2004
Session: ”System Calibration Techniques”

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the ”System Calibration
Session and ask that you consider contributing a presentation of your
in this area.

The topics covered by this session include:

- Calibration Techniques
- Target Design and Survey
- Calibration Quality Control
- Stability Monitoring
- Detector Properties and Timewalk Compensation

Please submit your abstract before May 1st, 2004 through the Workshop
website at
http://www.roa.es/14workshop-laser. Please send an additional copy to:

Ulrich Schreiber [schreiber@wettzell.ifag.de]
Franz Koidl [flubpc04.tu-graz.ac.at]

Kind regards, Franz & Ulli


From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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