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SLR-Mail No.1220

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Date:2004-06-15 08:28:00
Sender:Toshimichi Otsubo, NICT <Toshimichi Otsubo <otsubo@nict.go.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1220: bias vs intensity 2003-04: web access
Author:Toshimichi Otsubo, NICT
SLR Electronic Mail 2004-06-15 08:28:00 UTC Message No. 1220

Author: Toshimichi Otsubo, NICT
Subject: bias vs intensity 2003-04: web access

Dear Colleagues,

The whole ”SLR bias vs intensity” graphs presented (and requested by
several colleagues) at the San Fernando workshop are now available on
the web.

See the pdf file
which is generated from LAGEOS1+2 post-fit residual data, Apr 03 to
Feb 04.

In addition to Graz (10 and kHz), two graphs are created for
Zimmerwald (blue and IR) and Wettzell (detectors SCI=1 and 2).

Further, you can also compare it with the result two years
ago (presented at the Washington workshop):

Best Regards,
Toshimichi Otsubo
Kashima Space Research Center
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
phone +81-299-84-7189 facsimile +81-299-84-7160

From: Toshimichi Otsubo


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