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SLR-Mail No.1226

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Date:2004-06-19 23:45:00
Sender:Pascal Willis (via Carey Noll) <Carey Noll <noll@cddisa.gsfc.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1226: TOPEX Status
Author:Pascal Willis
SLR Electronic Mail 2004-06-19 23:45:00 UTC Message No. 1226

Author: Pascal Willis (via Carey Noll)
Subject: TOPEX Status

(forwarding email from Lee Fu)

Please note the following update. This is great news, thanks to the
perseverance and ingenuity of the MIssion Operations Team. The Tandem
Mission goes on.

SPAT STATUS REPORT for Thursday, June 17, 2004
UTC 04-169 (Cycle 433)


This morning the Spacecraft was successfully commanded back to the Normal
Mission Mode, thus completing the recovery from the Safehold Mode, which was
entered on May 26. Nadir pointing accuracy for the ALT, which was turned On
on June 11, is again within specified limits.

Performance and configuration of all systems is nominal, with the following

- The ADCS is under 3-wheel control due to the failure of the Roll Wheel.

- The autonomous Kick-Start function operates as required to restart a
stalled wheel.

- The ADCS autonomous Failure Detection and Correction (FDC) function has not
yet been re-enabled.

- The Telemetry Monitoring (TMON) function has not yet been re-enabled.


- ADCS performance in transitioning from OBC Mode 2 to the Normal Mission
Mode (4B) was excellent. The Wheel Kick-Start function continues to operate
as designed.


- Power Subsystem performance continues to be nominal. The Solar Array is
under the control of the OBC and the Offset Bias of 36 degrees has been
re-established. Pending re-enabling of the TMON function, battery
temperature is being controlled via ground command.


- TELECOM performance is nominal.


- Performance is nominal. - Although Tape Recorder-C Playback transients are
still being encountered, over 99% of all recorded data is being acquired at
the control center.


- Mission Sensor Operations are nominal.

- As noted above, nadir pointing is again within specified limits.


Lee-Lueng Fu
JPL 300-323
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
FAX:818-393-6720. VOICE: 818-354-8167


Pascal Willis
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 238-646 Ph : 1-818-393-4748
4800 Oak Grove Drive FAX: 1-818-393-4965
Pasadena CA 91109 Em : Pascal.R.Willis@jpl.nasa.gov

From: Carey Noll


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