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SLR-Mail No.1228

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Date:2004-06-22 09:11:00
Sender:Werner Gurtner <Werner Gurtner <werner.gurtner@aiub.unibe.ch>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1228: RE: HOLLAS Closure
Author:Werner Gurtner
SLR Electronic Mail 2004-06-22 09:11:00 UTC Message No. 1228

Author: Werner Gurtner
Subject: RE: HOLLAS Closure

To: Dan O´Gara
HOLLAS Laser Station

Dear Dan,

it´s still hard for me to accept that one of the laser ranging stations
with the longest history (30 years, if I am correct) had to be shut
down. We will badly miss you and your expertise in our community. The
disappearance of the HOLLAS station will leave a huge hole in global
coverage of the laser tracking network the effect of which can hardly be

I sincerely hope that the current developments of new, smaller systems
will soon come to a successful end to offer solutions that could bring
Hawaii ”back into business”.

In the name of all my colleagues of the ILRS Governing Board and
certainly also in the name of the whole SLR and LLR community I would
like to thank you and your team for all your contributions during these
many years, and I wish you all the best in your new area of activity.

Werner Gurtner
Chairman of the Governing Board
International Laser Ranging Service

From: Werner Gurtner


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