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Date:2004-09-17 08:33:00
Sender:Takashi UCHIMURA, JAXA <Takashi UCHIMURA <uchimura.takashi@jaxa.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1255: GMSL: Tanageshima system failure
Author:Takashi UCHIMURA, JAXA
SLR Electronic Mail 2004-09-17 08:33:00 UTC Message No. 1255

Author: Takashi UCHIMURA, JAXA
Subject: GMSL: Tanageshima system failure

Dear ILRS colleagues,

Although we transmitted the satellite data of three passes to CDDIS, but after
that Tanegashima had a lot of typhoons and observation had stopped during that
We tried to move the system after recovery of weather, but the fault of the
power supply system of a dome occurred . I think that the cause of this fault
is not the influence of a typhoon.
We are currently investigate this cause and not able to publish data from the
GMSL station. Unfortunately, we are not able to say when the site will be
available again.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

,:;+´ -o-
*;´ /
#o# / Takashi UCHIMURA
/ Tel +81 298 68 2624 Fax +81 298 68 2990
+--( )---+ uchimura.takashi@jaxa.jp
+--+ __ |
| | | | | // GUTS-SLR&GPS http://god.tksc.jaxa.jp/
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Consolidated Space tracking and data acquisition department
Precise orbit measurement group
URL : http://track.sfo.jaxa.jp/dyna/index.html

From: ”Takashi UCHIMURA”


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