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SLR-Mail No.1292

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Date:2005-01-11 13:31:00
Sender:Ludwig Combrinck <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1292: SLR/LLR interference to optical telescopes
Author:Ludwig Combrinck
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-01-11 13:31:00 UTC Message No. 1292

Author: Ludwig Combrinck
Subject: SLR/LLR interference to optical telescopes

Dear SLR/LLR community

We are investigating the possibility of establishing a new Space Geodesy
Facility at Sutherland, on the site of SAAO, the South African
Astronomical Observatory.

We have provided the management of SAAO with a draft proposal, and
feedback indicates that there is concern of the green laser light getting
into their optical telescopes. Several SLR stations are however located on
astronomical sites and other stations may also have some input to provide
on this.

It is envisaged that a 1 meter LLR 400mJ green light and an SLR2000 be
located on this site.

The proposed site is in a shallow valley about 900 m from the nearest
optical telescope, these range from 50cm to 11 meter(SALT, similar to HET
at McDonald). There is no direct visibility between the optical and SLR

Previous discussions that I had with McDonald staff indicated that light
pollution was not a problem. However, I need the SLR/LLR community to
guide us in this by providing us with the benefit of your experiences.

In addition, we need to quantify the amount of scattered light that could
possibly enter a telescope tube if the optical telescope is pointed in
such a way as to intercept the laser beam. Some laser/optics guru might be
able to come up with this answer.

Your comments and suggestions would be most welcome.

Regards and thanks


Ludwig Combrinck Ph.D
Programme Leader
HartRAO Space Geodesy Programme
PO BOX 443
Krugersdorp 1740
South Africa
e-mail: ludwig@hartrao.ac.za
Tel: +27 12 326-0742
Fax: +27 12 326-0756
IGS Regional Data Center for Africa
URL: http:\www.hartrao.ac.zageodesygeodesy_index.html

From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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