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SLR-Mail No.1296

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Date:2005-01-27 10:11:00
Sender:Takashi UCHIMURA <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1296: GMSL (Tanegashima) Status
Author:Takashi UCHIMURA
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-01-27 10:11:00 UTC Message No. 1296

Author: Takashi UCHIMURA
Subject: GMSL (Tanegashima) Status

Dear ILRS colleagues,

We started the routine operation of GUTS-SLR from September 1st,
but the system was operated just for one day during the period
between September 1st and 3rd.

The main reasons are as follows:

1) Two months of Bad weather conditions at the station, caused by
a series of six large-scale typhoons
2) The fault of a dome drive part, which took four months to
investigate the cause and repair it.
3) A problem of the timing measurement part. The cause is under

We regret that we have had to stop the operation for a long period
of time soon after the beginning of the observation.
We are doing our best to investigate and fix the problem, so that
the operation can be resumed by the end of the current fiscal year
(i.e. the end of March).

Thank you for your understanding.


,:;+´ -o-
*;´ /
#o# / Takashi UCHIMURA
/ Tel +81 298 68 2624 Fax +81 298 68 2990
+--( )---+ uchimura.takashi@jaxa.jp
+--+ __ |
| | | | | // GUTS-SLR&GPS http://god.tksc.jaxa.jp/
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Consolidated Space tracking and data acquisition department
Precise orbit measurement group
URL : http://track.sfo.jaxa.jp/dyna/index.html

From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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