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Date:2005-05-04 09:47:00
Sender:P. Tregoning, R. Coleman, J. Middleton <Paul Tregoning <pault@rses.anu.edu.au>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1326: Abstract submission for IAG/IAPSO/IABO Joint Assembly
Author:P. Tregoning, R. Coleman, J. Middleton
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-05-04 09:47:00 UTC Message No. 1326

Author: P. Tregoning, R. Coleman, J. Middleton
Subject: Abstract submission for IAG/IAPSO/IABO Joint Assembly

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to remind you that abstracts for the Joint Assembly of the IAG,
IAPSO and IABO must be submitted by the end of Friday 6 May, 2005.

Abstracts can be submitted online at http://www.dynamicplanet2005.com/Call-Papers.htm
and further information about the Assembly is available at the conference
website: http://www.dynamicplanet2005.com

We look forward to seeing you in Cairns in August 2005.

Paul Tregoning, Richard Coleman, John Middleton
Scientific Program Committee (local)

JOINT ASSEMBLY OF THE IAG, IAPSO and IABO, August 22-26, 2005, Cairns, Australia

Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with

Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools

Joint IAG/IAPSO sessions:
GP1 Ocean circulation and contributions from new gravity field missions
GP2 Global sea-level change: Altimetry, GNSS and tide gauge measurements
GP3 Oceanography and geodesy in polar regions

IAG sessions:

G1 Frontiers in the analysis of space geodetic measurements
G2 Gravity field determination from a synthesis of terrestrial, satellite, airborne and altimetry measurements
G3 Earth Processes: geodynamics, tides, crustal deformation and temporal gravity changes
G4 Advances in the realization of global and regional reference frames
G5 GGOS and geodesy of the planets
G6 Systems and methods for airborne mapping, geophysics and hazards and disaster monitoring
G7 Atmospheric studies using space geodetic techniques

From: Paul Tregoning


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