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SLR-Mail No.1364

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Date:2005-08-31 09:26:00
Sender:Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG <Bernd Sierk <sierk@tigo.cl>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1364: 7405 CONL: TIGO is back
Author:Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-08-31 09:26:00 UTC Message No. 1364

Author: Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG
Subject: 7405 CONL: TIGO is back
Subject: 7405 CONL: TIGO is back

Dear colleagues,

we were able to fix our oscillator and are back in operation.
As the power supply for the second amplifier stage is still in repair service,
we continue to operate with reduced output power and will therefore
concentrate on night time observations.



Dr. Bernd Sierk
Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG)
Observatorio TIGO
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile
email: bernd.sierk@tigo.cl
Tel: +56-41-207035
Fax: +56-41-207031

From: Bernd Sierk


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