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SLR-Mail No.1391

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Date:2005-09-29 10:18:00
Sender:Nathalie Malechaux, CNES <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1391: Urgent Mail - Jason-1 SLR tracking
Author:Nathalie Malechaux, CNES
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-09-29 10:18:00 UTC Message No. 1391

Author: Nathalie Malechaux, CNES
Subject: Urgent Mail - Jason-1 SLR tracking

Again, thank you all for your support which helped a lot. Jason-1 has been =
successfully reconfigured and is now in nominal mode in earth pointing with=
datation performed on-board by the GPS platform and with DORIS operational=
=2E We plan to set jason-1 fully operational (i.e. with all the payload ope=
rational) this morning. The Poseidon altimeter should be operational again =
at around 7h15 UTC, the JMR radiometer at around 9h00 UTC and the TRSR (GPS=
instrument) at around 11h00 UTC.=20

You can restart the tracking with the usual priority from now on seeing tha=
t the satellite is in nominal mode with DORIS operational. Thanking you ver=
y much for your help. If you have any question, Gilles Tavernier is your po=
int of contact for next week.

Best regards / Cordialement

Nathalie Mal=E9chaux
Tel: 33 (0)5 61 28 13 18
E-mail: nathalie.malechaux@cst.cnes.fr
BPI 2002


From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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