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SLR-Mail No.1397

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Date:2005-10-10 23:23:00
Sender:Frank Lemoine <flemoine@bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1397: TOPEX/Poseidon Spacecraft Status
Author:Frank Lemoine
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-10-10 23:23:00 UTC Message No. 1397

Author: Frank Lemoine
Subject: TOPEX/Poseidon Spacecraft Status
Subject: Topex/Poseidon Spacecraft Status
Subject: Topex/Poseidon Spacecraft Status

Dear Colleagues,

JPL advises that TOPEX experienced an incident with
one of its reaction wheels at 05:12 Pacific Daylight Time
(12:12 UT, October 10, 2005). The spacecraft is currently
in sun-pointing safe mode, and attempts are being
made to recover.

We will keep you apprised of further developments.

Frank Lemoine
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

From: flemoine@bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov


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