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SLR-Mail No.14

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Date:1996-04-29 18:00:00
Sender:Andrew Sinclair <ats@ast.cam.ac.uk>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 14: Survey of SLR data pre-processing
Author:Andrew Sinclair
SLR Electronic Mail 1996-04-29 18:00:00 UTC Message No. 14

Author: Andrew Sinclair
Subject: Survey of SLR data pre-processing


In SLRMAIL Message No. 0008 I requested that SLR stations
that operate at the single photon level should collect statistics
of the distribution of their SLR data. I would be grateful if stations
could now send me AVERAGE VALUES of the data that they have collected
for satellite passes and calibration runs. Please send this by
May 10, to give me a chance to summarise the data before the
CSTG meeting in Porto (I will be away May 20 to May 31).

Please send the data to ats@ast.cam.ac.uk
Please keep it simple !

As an example I give below the data from RGO for February.

mm mm mm

CALIB 424 17.0 +0.3 1.1 0.21 2.72
ERS-1 19 17.6 -0.3 1.3 0.15 2.71
ERS-2 25 16.9 -0.5 0.9 0.18 2.66
GFZ-1 23 16.7 -0.3 0.3 0.08 2.61
Starlette 22 19.2 -0.5 2.1 0.24 2.60
Stella 22 19.6 -0.3 1.9 0.22 2.60
Lageos 38 23.9 -0.3 5.5 0.41 2.68
Lageos-2 22 22.9 -0.5 4.6 0.39 2.65
Ajisai 22 53.2 -1.6 21.8 0.50 2.52
Topex 34 57.0 +0.9 31.0 0.58 2.65

N : number of passes or calibration runs
M-L : average value of `mean minus leading-edge-half-max`
M-RGO: average value of `mean minus standard RGO reference point`
M-P : average value of `mean minus peak`
SKEW : average value of skewness
KURT : average value of kurtosis

Each quantity is the average value from the N passes or calibration runs.
Values of mean, peak, leading-edge-half-max, skewness and kurtosis were
calculated from subroutine DISTRIB, which uses a clipping of the data
at 2.5*RMS in order to determine the mean.

These numbers show that the reference point used by RGO, which is determined
in a somewhat complicated way, is very close to the mean calculated with an
iterative 2.5*RMS rejection. If your station uses precisely a mean with
iterated 2.5*RMS rejection as reference point then there is no need to
give the column `M - Station`.

From: ats@ast.cam.ac.uk


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