Date: | 2005-10-31 11:29:00 | |
Sender: | Wolfgang Seemueller <W. Seemeuller (EDC) <>> | |
Subject: | [SLR-Mail] No. 1403: IAG Symposium: GEODETIC REFERENCE FRAMES (GRF2006) | |
Author: | Wolfgang Seemueller | |
Content: | ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2005-10-31 11:29:00 UTC Message No. 1403 ******************************************************************************** Author: Wolfgang Seemueller Subject: IAG Symposium: GEODETIC REFERENCE FRAMES (GRF2006) International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Symposium GEODETIC REFERENCE FRAMES (GRF2006) ----------------------------------- Munich, October 09-13, 2006 First Circular >> Invitation << The Commission 1 ”Reference Frames” of the Inter=ADnational Association of Geodesy (IAG) invites scientists and experts from all countries to participate in the Symposium ”Geodetic Reference Frames” (GRF2006) to be held in Munich, Germany, 09-13 October 2006. The symposium shall give the opportunity to present new ideas, discuss improved models and=20 approaches, and report on latest results of the definition and realization= =20 of geodetic reference frames. >> Scope << The realization and maintenance of global and regional reference frames has reached a sophisticated level regarding data quality, software development and results. To exhaust the full capabilities, mathematical and physical models must be extended to include small effects detectable by the present-day precision of observations (e.g., loading effects, seasonal variations, regional and local deformation). Terrestrial reference frames have become part of the infrastructure for many sciences and applications which strive for increasing accuracy. They are becoming, to a certain extent, limiting factors for many areas. The monitoring of climate change and geophysical signals such as sea level change, ice mass balance, terrestrial hydrology, geodynamics, critically depends on the improved modelling of the reference frame. Reference frames are used in many practical applications dealt with in the FIG. The symposium will therefore be held in parallel with the XXIII FIG Congress, Munich with one common day of sessions. The symposium also remembers the 25th anniversary of the IAG Symposium on Geodetic Networks organized in Munich, October 1981, by the former IAG Commission X ”Continental Networks” jointly with Commissions VIII (CSTG), and XI (Geodesy in Africa) which are now all united in IAG Commission 1. >> Scientific Programme << The programme will include the following topics: - Advanced development and coordination of terrestrial and space geodetic observation techniques; - Analysis and processing methods for combined parameter estimation related to reference frames; - Definition, establishment, maintenance and integration of regional reference frames; - Consistent determination of terrestrial and celestial reference frames and Earth orientation parameters. Additional issues are the international collaborations - for the definition and deployment of stations and networks of observatories, - with scientific organizations, institutions, agencies and IAG Services. Oral and poster presentations will be given. There will also be possibilities for splinter meetings of scientific working groups and business meetings of international organizations. >> Scientific Committee << Hermann Drewes (IAG Commission 1 President) C.K. Shum (IAG Commission 1 Vice-President) Markus Rothacher (Sub-Commission 1.1 President) Zuheir Altamimi (Sub-Commission 1.3 President) Wolfgang Bosch (Inter-Comm. Project 1.1 and LOC) >> Meeting Place and Time << The meeting will be held in the city of Munich, 9-13 October 2006. At the same time there will be the XXIII International Congress of the F=E9d=E9ration Internationale des G=E9om=E8tres (FIG) and INTERGEO, a German congress and exhibition for geodesy, geoinformation and land management. There will be a one day joined session of all three events (Thursday, 12 October 2006). >> Draft Schedule << Morning Afternoon Evening ---------------------------------------------------------------- Monday registration Opening Welcome Tuesday Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Splinters Wednesday Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Splinters Thursday - - - Joint Session with FIG/INTERGEO - - - Friday Scientific Sessions Closure Saturday - - - - - - - Excursions - - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- >> Excursions << On Saturday, 14 October, 2006 there will be the opportunity for - a full day excursion to the geodetic Fundamental Station Wettzell (Bavaria Forest) of the ”Bundesamt f=FCr Kartographie und Geod=E4sie” (BK= G) and the ”Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeod=E4sie” (FESG) or - excursions offered by the Munich Tourist Office (e.g. Neuschwanstein Castle, Chiemsee, Berchtesgaden) - guided city tours in Munich. >> Munich << Autumn is a wonderful season to visit Munich. Even after the ”Octoberfest” (closing at the first weekend of October), the weather is still stable and invites you to visit one of the famous beer gardens to meet friends and colleagues. Moreover, Munich offers a large number of museums for art, history, technique and culture. >> Accommodation << Please, note, due to the coincidence of several congresses room reservation will be very difficult. We therefore strongly recommend to book as early as possible. This can be done online at >> Additional Information << Detailed information about registration, abstract and paper submission, and the scientific program will be made available at the symposium website, as it becomes available: The Symposium is organized by Deutsches Geod=E4tisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) Marstallplatz 8 80539 M=FCnchen >> Local Organizing Committee << Wolfgang Bosch (Chair) Walter Henninger, LVG Hermann Drewes Wolfgang K=FCffner Detlef Angermann Herbert Arenz Wolfgang Seem=FCller Ilona Schreiber We are looking forward to see you in Munich! ------------------- . . - ------------- /-----------------------= -- Wolfgang Seemueller ( ) ( ) ***_ ^ -o- Tel. +49 89 23031-11= 09 DGFI, Abt.I | | | | *|* o|_ / / / Fax: +49 89 23031-12= 40 Marstallplatz 8 |o| |o| |o |_) / / email: D-80539 Muenchen | |/| | |___| / seemueller@dgfi.badw-muenchen.= de ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ---1149172827-1908136043-1130752950=:6093-- From: ”W. Seemeuller (EDC)” ******************************************************************************** |