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Date:2005-12-02 23:57:00
Sender:Zuheir Altamimi & Jim Ray <Zuheir Altamimi <altamimi@ensg.ign.fr>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1417: Reference System session at EGU2006
Author:Zuheir Altamimi
SLR Electronic Mail 2005-12-02 23:57:00 UTC Message No. 1417

Author: Zuheir Altamimi & Jim Ray
Subject: Reference System session at EGU2006

EGU General Assembly -- Vienna, Austria, 02 - 07 April 2006

Dear Colleagues,

The 3rd General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union will be held
in Vienna, Austria, 02-07 April 2006. We draw your attention in
particular to session ”G1 - Accuracy and stability of the International
Terrestrial Reference Frame”. Among other things, this session should
provide a good opportunity to review results, weaknesses, limitations,
systematic errors, etc. of both the ITRF2004 realization and its
contributed techniques.

The development of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)
has progressed steadily as the space geodetic observing techniques have
matured and as the methods for forming multi-technique combinations have
become more rigorous. The expectations placed on the ITRF have kept pace
with, or even exceeded, the technical developments, with demands for
continuing improvements in accuracy and stability in order to detect
ever more subtle features of the Earth system. Detection of non-linear
variations is particularly and increasingly important, and comparisons
with non-geometric measurements (e.g., GRACE gravity changes) more
revealing. Meanwhile, recent experiences with ITRF2004 and related
efforts have exposed weaknesses in the global framework or raised
questions about the true accuracy of the space geodetic data.
Systematic errors of various types are particularly difficult to
evaluate without a standard more reliable than ITRF itself or its
contributing techniques.

This session will focus on updated evaluations of the accuracy and
stability of ITRF as well as the space geodetic methods that contribute
to it. Studies of important systematic technique errors and methods to
mitigate them are strongly encouraged. Proposals for future
improvements, new approaches, or novel measurement types are especially

Important Dates:
23 December 2006: Deadline for support applications
13 January 2006: Deadline for receipt of abstracts
10 March 2006: Deadline for pre-registration & hotel booking

Please consider submitting a paper to this symposium or contact us
directly if you have any questions.

Zuheir Altamimi, altamimi@ensg.ign.fr ENSG/LAREG, Institut Geographique

Jim Ray, jimr@ngs.noaa.gov Geosciences Research Division, National
Geodetic Survey


Zuheir Altamimi Email : altamimi@ensg.ign.fr
Institut Geographique National Phone : 33 1 64 15 32 55
ENSG/LAREG FAX : 33 1 64 15 32 53
6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal
77455 Champs-sur-Marne, FRANCE

From: Zuheir Altamimi


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