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SLR-Mail No.142

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Date:1998-07-27 18:00:00
Sender:John J. Degnan <[Mailed John Degnan <jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 142: ILRS Governing Board Elections, Last Call for Nominations
Author:John J. Degnan
SLR Electronic Mail 1998-07-27 18:00:00 UTC Message No. 142

Author: John J. Degnan
Subject: ILRS Governing Board Elections, Last Call for Nominations
X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
pearlman@cfa.harvard.edu (Mike Pearlman),
dcarter@eib1.gsfc.nasa.gov (Dave Carter),
schlueter@wvax1.wettzell.ifag.de (Wolfgang Schleuter),
ats@ast.cam.ac.uk (Andrew Sinclair),
GURTNER@aiub.unibe.ch (Werner Gurtner), JohnLuck@auslig.gov.au,
ron.noomen@lr.tudelft.nl (Ron Noomen),
eanes@csr.utexas.edu (Richard Eanes),
pjs@astro.as.utexas.edu (Peter Shelus),
kuni@crl.go.jp (Hiroo Kunimori), yangfm@center.shao.ac.cn,
shslr@online.sh.cn, jmb@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov (John Bosworth),
pearlman@cfa.harvard.edu (Mike Pearlman),
beutler@aiub.unibe.ch (Gerhard Beutler),
noll@cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov (Carey Noll),
schutz@csrv86.ae.utexas.edu (Bob Schutz)

We have completed the first of three phases for the establishment of the
new International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) Governing Board. All of
the Ex-Officio and Appointed Members have now been named by their
respective organizations. In addition, a few candidates have been
nominated by their peers for the remaining elected posts as indicated
below. We are now preparing to begin the first round of elections; this
includes all elected posts with the exception of the two At- Large

ffff,0000,0000You are invited to submit
additional nominations for the Analysis Center, Data Center, and Lunar
Representatives by July 30, 1998! This is the final call for these
positions. An additional call will go out later for the two At-Large
members following completion of the Round One elections.

The current ILRS GB membership consists of the following:

ffff,0000,0000Ex-Officio Members

Director, Central Bureau, John Bosworth,

Secretary, Central Bureau & Governing Board, Mike Pearlman,

CSTG President, Gerhard Beutler

ffff,0000,0000Appointed by Peers

NASA Network (2), John Degnan and David Carter

EUROLAS (2), Werner Gurtner and Wolfgang Schleuter

WPLTN (2), Hiroo Kunimori and Yang FuMin

IERS Representative to ILRS, Bob Schutz

ffff,0000,0000Elected by Peers (first

Analysis Centers(2), TBD

Data Centers (1), TBD

0000,0000,ffffNominee: Wolfgang Seemueller

Lunar (1), TBD

0000,0000,ffffNominee: Peter Shelus

ffff,0000,0000Elected (second round)

At Large (2), TBD

0000,0000,ffffNominee: John Luck

ffff,0000,0000I remind you that ANYONE
involved in the performance of ANY ILRS duty is an ILRS Associate and
eligible to nominate and vote for candidates or to serve on the Governing

ffff,0000,0000Just being on the current SLRmail
list isn´t enough! If you have not yet submitted your official
organization list of ILRS associates and emails to Carey Noll
(noll@cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov), please do so no later than the
Thursday, July 30, 1998 deadline.


John Degnan

Chair, CSTG Satellite and Lunar Ranging Subcommission

[Mailed From: John Degnan ]


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